Yakeda Nylon orders Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Pack Cross Body Gun Sac à dos Motif pour arme de poing Move Quickly-kf-088.
Brand: yakeda
Model: kf-088
Compatible molle system.
Adjustable ambidextrous strap for shoulder carrying.
Magnetic concealed Carry pocket on the back panel.
Handy, Versatile 3 Ways of Carrying Style: Shoulder Bag, Chest Sling - Back Sling, Hand Carry.
The most popular Concealed Carry Sling Pack is the Yakeda Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Pack. This is an ambidextrous shoulder bag for quick setup and to keep your hands free. A hidden carrying case on the rear panel of the bag easily and comfortably packs your gun. The four orders storage compartments are large enough to carry a first aid kit, binoculars, ammunition, and an iPad fits neatly.Suitable for indoor and outdoor use, including camping, hiking hiking, hunting, sporting events, school supplies, tools, etc