Authentic orders DZI, Tibetan sacred agate. 5 eyes "lightning and thunder." cornaline, copper clasp. powerful Tibetan protection.
Authentic DZI, Tibetan sacred agate.
Tibetan Buddhist protection and Ben.
DZI with 5 eyes "lightning and thunder"
The 5 eyes are a very sought-after magical element. It helps you get what you want, so it's a prized piece. The 5 eyes recall lightning and thunder, elements that put an end to ignorance. This is a clarification. This pearl would bring endless happiness.
copper clasp.
Dimensions of the DZI: 57mm long, 14mm in diameter.
Our contemporary Dzis are made according to tradition, by Tibetan craftsmen located at the crossroads of Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet in the Tibetan prefecture of Gyaltran at 4000 meters above sea level.
The stone is agate, and the drawings on its surface make it by the hand of man, but according to a secret technique. A mixture of plant and lead is applied to their surface, the whole is cooked (about 1200 degrees); on the way out and once the mixture is removed the drawings appear. According to some sources, some of the oldest Dzi were colored OF INTERIEUR using secret techniques long lost ...
Huge amounts of counterfeits circulate, as well as modern DZIs sold as antiques at astronomical prices.
As a gemologist who graduated from the National Institute of Gemmology in Paris, all our subjects are expert and certified.
The Dzis that can be translated as "brilliantly polished", "luminous" are elongated agate beads with a different geometric shapes on their surfaces, but each with a very specific meaning. Dzi are considered by Tibetans to be powerful protections. According to legend, these stones are not of earthly origin, but, shaped by the gods and sown on earth so that whoever finds them, have a better Karma.
The Dzi is a Tibetan pearl, of distant origin, bringing many mystical benefits and benefits to its wearer. He is a Tibetan talisman or amulet, the king of good luck, sometimes revered as a true deity. The success of the Tibetan pearl comes from its multiple eyes, up to 21.
The Dzis are supposed to bring good fortune, ward off evil spirits, and protect its bearer from dangers and accidents, and even bring longevity and good health.
DZI originates from the Central Asian region and is generally found in a region that covers Afghanistan, Iran, Tibet, India, Pakistan, Nepal, During Hanhan to Burma and Thailand. They are found in many sizes and shapes, with multiple eyes and stripes. Tibetans cherish these pearls and consider them hereditary gems. The meaning of the Tibetan word "Dzi" translates as "brilliance, clarity, splendor." In Mandarin Chinese, dzi are called "pearl of heaven." Tibetans recognize, without being envious or jealous, the qualities of orders brilliant people, those people who shine intellectually and attract the attention and admiration of all. For Tibetans, wearing a Dzi pearl can develop in everyone this natural glow called talent.
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