Silk Wedding Bouquet, Lavender Rose Bouquet, Succulent Bouquet, Lambs Ear, Bridal Bouquet, Rose Bouquet, Rose, Berry, orders Wedding
CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming wedding! This beautiful silk flower bridal bouquet is boho-inspired, with a stunning mix of faux/artificial flowers. Gorgeous eucalyptus greenery completes the look and all stems are flawlessly wrapped in ribbon of your color choice. Bouquet measures approx. 10” in diameter by 12" in length (although other diameters are available in drop down menu).
Shown here tied with ribbon, but if you are interested in luxurious silk ribbon, this is available for an extra charge. If interested, please message us with the ribbon color you would orders like.
Matching wedding flowers are also available, so please ask us about a full wedding flower package including bridesmaid bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages and hair wreaths.
Your order will be packaged securely, insured and trackable. Once your order ships you will receive the tracking number ☺️