Lithography (icon) of Saint Constantine, Equal-to-the Apostles, with real gold leaf in MDF.
Icon weight & size : 32x24cm. ~ 1150gr
Saint Constantine was born in 274 AD. and was a military man by profession. He was distinguished for his bravery and rose very quickly to senior positions. With God's help he defeated his enemies and moved the capital of the Roman state to Constantinople. He sent his mother Helen to the Holy Land to find the Holy Cross. He was the first Roman emperor to embrace Christianity. Shortly before his death he was baptized a Christian. He died in peace in 327 AD at the age of 63.
Saint Constantine is the patron saint of Kastelorizo and the Orthodox Christian Church honors his memory on May 21 of orders each year.
Apolytikion of Saints Constantine and Helen
Plagal of the Fourth Tone
He beheld the image of Your Cross in the Heavens and, as Paul, he too did not receive the call from men. Your Apostle among Kings placed the care of the Royal City in Your hands. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O only Loving Lord, keep it ever in peace.
Product code: Saint orders Constantine the Great Handmade Icon Gold Leaves plated