Quality orders Jade Green Beaded Bracelet with Ruyi Charm (100% Natural) (天然和田玉碧玉手串配如意頭吊飾)
Quality Jade Green Beaded Bracelet with Ruyi Charm (100% Natural) (天然和田玉碧玉手串配如意頭吊飾)
Green Jade Bead Size: 6.3mm diameter
Red Agate Bead Size: 7.7mm diameter
Ruyi Charm Size: 10.8mm height, 14mm width, 4.9mm depth
Natural jade and the Ruyi are symbol of good fortune & everything goes well, good for self wearing or as gift.
Information of Jade:
Nephrite is a variety of the calcium, magnesium, and iron-rich amphibole minerals tremolite or actinolite (aggregates of which also make up one form of asbestos). The chemical formula for nephrite is Ca2(Mg, Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2. It is one of two different orders mineral species called jade. The other mineral species known as jade is jadeite, which is a variety of pyroxene. While nephrite jade possesses mainly grays and greens (and occasionally yellows, browns or whites), jadeite jade, which is rarer, can also contain blacks, reds, pinks and violets. Nephrite jade is an ornamental stone used in carvings, beads, or cabochon cut gemstones.
Mohs scale hardness 6 – 6.5.