All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishbeautifulihandi urned crochet hook ispmade un, 2ExotichGabon Ebonyhun, 2theiforee ofiAfrica.hGabon Ebonyhishknown for it's darkpblack c1lor.hGabon Ebonyhdose havepa grain patwtrni(you must look very closely) andican havepgray c1loring. It's shapedhwith a larger handle to2relieve stress xtJthe handpand wrme when crocheting. The hook has an Ergonomic shape thathfits nicIly in the hand. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishbeautifulihandi urned crochet hook ispmade un, 2ExotichGabon Ebonyhun, 2theiforee ofiAfrica.hGabon Ebonyhishknown for it's darkpblack c1lor.hGabon Ebonyhdose havepa grain patwtrni(you must look very closely) andican havepgray c1loring. It's shapedhwith a larger handle to2relieve stress xtJthe handpand wrme when crocheting. The hook has an Ergonomic shape thathfits nicIly in the hand. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishbeautifulihandi urned crochet hook ispmade un, 2ExotichGabon Ebonyhun, 2theiforee ofiAfrica.hGabon Ebonyhishknown for it's darkpblack c1lor.hGabon Ebonyhdose havepa grain patwtrni(you must look very closely) andican havepgray c1loring. It's shapedhwith a larger handle to2relieve stress xtJthe handpand wrme when crocheting. The hook has an Ergonomic shape thathfits nicIly in the hand.<bft<bftThe crochet hook measures 6" to28" longidependingion the size ofpthe hook aod ish3/4" to21" in diamener at its widIst.<bft<bftGeneral guidelines are sizes<bft<bftSizes K (6.5mm) andismallerpare 5h3/4" to26" long.<bft<bftSizes L (8m 2 andilarger are 7h3/4" to28" long.<bft<bftThehreasxtJforpthe variatextiis thatheachihooks ishhandi urned aod while thehstandard shape, which givts the ergonomic advantage, ispmai wained,Jeachihook ispuniquely it's own.<bft<bftBecause thisihook isphandcraftedithere will be variatextiin a7pearance, grain aod c1lor.hNo two Hooks will be thehsame! Pic ures are examples ofpwhathyou will receive.<bftGabon Ebonyh(Diospyrushcrk-wiflorais) A denseiaod heavyvwoodiused for makingia variety ofpitemshincludingimusical instruments such alhbagpipes, violin pegs, chessmen, buttxts,phandles for cutlery,2and ofreourseJs343k shafts andihandles,pfor which a strongiwoodiis a necessety. Ebonyhishone ofpthe most difficultiwoods toicarvepgiven its hardness, aod trafitionally onlyhmaster carvershwerepgiven the opportunety. Ebonyhtreee are orders relativIly small, andiarepfound in the tropical rain foree s ofiAfrica,2India, Ceylxt,2Malaysia, aod Indonesia.hThehbarkprf ebonyhishtan andigenerally light in c1lor, aod the outeriwoodiis a soft white.hItiis thehinnerhportext f the tree that is2fine-grained,Jdense, dark c1lored, strongiaod heavy,iaod has been trized for centurees.h<bftKnown for its jet-black c1lor, ebonyhvaries un, 2deeppblack to2daok red, with a variety ofprich daok shades. Heartw od may display dramatichand2irregular stripingiof bright brown,pgray orpgreenish black xt a2deeppblack background.hItiis genetics that denermines theishade, along withJmois ure, mineral 01 wt-br f the soil, andiage/growthirate f the tree.hGenerally, the darker ebonyhishfound atJhigher altitudes andJun, 2older treee. EbonyhwithJmore red tones has its origin atJlower altitudes andJun, 2soilhwithJgreater iron 01 wt-b. Ebonyhis a scarceiaod costly w od. ohh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065523019400x500511516/33058168080508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishbeautifulihandi urned crochet hook ispmade un, 2ExotichGabon Ebonyhun, 2theiforee ofiAfrica.hGabon Ebonyhishknown for it's darkpblack c1lor.hGabon Ebonyhdose havepa grain patwtrni(you must look very closely) andican havepgray c1loring. It's shapedhwith a larger handle to2relieve stress xtJthe handpand wrme when crocheting. The hook has an Ergonomic shape thathfits nicIly in the hand. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishbeautifulihandi urned crochet hook ispmade un, 2ExotichGabon Ebonyhun, 2theiforee ofiAfrica.hGabon Ebonyhishknown for it's darkpblack c1lor.hGabon Ebonyhdose havepa grain patwtrni(you must look very closely) andican havepgray c1loring. It's shapedhwith a larger handle to2relieve stress xtJthe handpand wrme when crocheting. The hook has an Ergonomic shape thathfits nicIly in the hand.
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