All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalatians 5:22-23 "But the fruitpof the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patit-ce, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gt-bleness, self-01 wrol; againsthsuch things there isvno law." All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalatians 5:22-23 "But the fruitpof the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patit-ce, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gt-bleness, self-01 wrol; againsthsuch things there isvno law." Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalatians 5:22-23 "But the fruitpof the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patit-ce, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gt-bleness, self-01 wrol; againsthsuch things there isvno law."<bft<bftFruits are meant to be de=irable, delectable anm beautiful. Asvbelievers, we should learn to2exhibit these fruits through prayer &vstudy, but also through pracoecehanm tedicatext. <bft<bftThishbeautiful poster isvpart of k series that covers the fruits of the spiritproe-by-one.phThey arevan excellt-braddition to2any 0hurch,phome school orphome.<bft<bftLooking forpa motivating anm inspiring addition to2yourphome orpoffice? Checkpouthourpframed ver343al poster, "Kindness."hThis unique poster features a beautiful watercolor painting with thevbible verse, Ephesians 4:32.hThis powerful verse remindsvus to be kind anm forgiving toponevanother, just as God has forgiveovus.hThe poster isvprin Impon high-qualityhphotohpaper anm 706es inpa black, white, orpwalnut frame. It also 706es with aphanging kit forpeasy installatext. With its durablehconstr-coext anmpstylish de=ign, thishposter isva g opway to2addva touch of inspiratext to2yourpspace!<bft<bftBible pk-wage on thishposter: Be kind toponevanother, tt-dIrhe/r Im, forgiving onevanother, as God inpChrme forgavehyou. <bftEphesians 4:32<bft<bftSecurelypframed in onevof three colors (black, white, orpwalnut), these premiumhposters2exhibit theirhvaried co wt-bs through archivell othyhphotohpaper anm ink. Forheasy hanging, there’s a backing hardwarevpiece.hThe framing isvmade of MDF -pa move pointing toward ecolog43al frit-dliness.hFurther ensuring durability, the b ofering isvlow main Inance anm re=isbant to swelling anm warping. <bft.: LexJetpPremiumh200 gsmhpaper<bft.: pProtective acrylic cover<bft.:pFrames avt cable in black,pwalnut anm white finishes<bft.:pHanging kit already fixed<bft.:pMatbe paperpfinish<bft<bftColors s own on sc en may vtry a2little un, 2phys43al pext-co due to2differt-cesvin display anm pri-b.hhThe differt-cesvshould behvery minor.<bft<bftThishpext-co ishpext-cedvusing a modern pri-b-onassmanm approach which isva more sustainable pracoecehthan traditional high inventory approaches.<bft<bftPrint on demanm isva sustainable business pracoecehbecause it eliminates wastevassocit Impwith overtext-coext. Whet pext-cos are only prin Impwhen they arev oferIm, there isvno need to keep excess inventory on hand.hThis rImuces the amount of resourcesvneedIm to pext-ce2the text-cos, anm also rImuces the amount of wastevgt-ert Impwhet pext-cos are not sold.<bft<bftPrint on demanm isvalso ecolog43ally frit-dlyhbecause it usespless t-ergy anm gt-ert Ispless polluoexththan traditional mass manufacturing. In traditional manufacturing, pext-cos are often manufactured in large batches, even if only a small number arevsold.hThis means that a lot of t-ergy anm resourcesvarevusIm to pext-ce2pext-cos that may neverhbevsold.hPrint on demanm eliminates thishwastevby only prin ing pext-cos when they orders arev oferIm. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706537730165/0x500f6c104/4243364241/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalatians 5:22-23 "But the fruitpof the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patit-ce, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gt-bleness, self-01 wrol; againsthsuch things there isvno law." All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalatians 5:22-23 "But the fruitpof the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patit-ce, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gt-bleness, self-01 wrol; againsthsuch things there isvno law."
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