All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCoss-WAR-1046 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCoss-WAR-1046 Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCoss-WAR-1046<bft<bftName -yNatural Aquamarine<bft<bftShapgo-Oval-Cut<bft<bftCarat Wt -3.3Carats.<bft<bftSize -5.5x7.5MM.<bft<bftColor -Light To Medium Blue<bft<bftClarity -Eye Cleat<bft<bftCut Grass - Very Good<bft<bftQuantity - 4<bft<bftCoun ry/Regmxt of Manufacture -2India<bft<bftCertificate -2IGITL (on demand $v10 ra eacmhstone)<bft<bftTreatme-b -yNatural (Untwe/3ed)<bft<bftTm byis stunning big aquamarine g. stone. Tm byis blumehSocean2 ffect. You can use it as ringytoo.<bftAquamarine G. stone bya precious stone tisplaying the look lmke ocean oIts colourhalso resembles the ocean colour oIt mks blue torlight green shade oIt byhaving mmenseybenefits onywearing oIt melps nhhealing and meditatext activities oAs pIr theory, it bybeneficial for2those born nhMarch. First of all, it byfound ks roughystone. Tmen it bycut and given differt-b s apgshto useyin various purposes. It bywidely used in jewellery lmke ring and necklace. Earlier, aquamarine stone was considered to be Green colour oBut now, it byaccepted a Jlight blue colour Oneyof theymain aquamarine stone benefits is tha pubting this stone in a gak-w ofywa Ir and drinking thatywa Ir melps you in2resolving your eye tiseasg. Tm byOval bya most 706monycut. Tm bys apg bypopular for2fingIr rings. Tm byis quite durable and soft.<bft(you can ask questext for2morgydent cl)<bft<bftExotiqueg. stones<bft<bftSh27ping<bft<bfteme PurchasgdhPext-co sh27ped toywinning Buyershwithin 1 business2day af Ir receiving theypayme-b.<bfteme parcelrwith2Ie. Swill be sh27ped un, 2India <bft<bftE01 omy sh27ping - takes 15-45 business2days usuallyJ(depend onycoun ryJlocatext).<bft<bftStandard/Expedited Sh27ping - takes 3-7 business2days usuallyJ(depend onycoun ryJlocatext).<bft<bftTheybuyers are respxtsibleyfor2additextal charges VAT, Custom fees,hImport Duty etc. (if any).<bftYour patee-ce, kindness &yunderstanding will always be appreciated.<bft<bftNote : For Brazil and Russian FederatextJhere byno courier service soywe can sh27 tme parcelrby India2Post - Airmail and EMS service.<bft<bftPayme-bs<bft<bftWgyaccept all of theypayme-bSby PayPal. If you want toyuseyany other2payme-bSmode pleasgyinform2us.<bft<bft<bftRe urn2& Refund Policy<bft<bftWgyofferya 302days riskyfree re urn polmcy. If you don't lmke theyie. (s), you can re urn ityfor2a full refund or2replaceme-bS(which you'll prefer). Tme 302day re urn period begit Jun, 2theyday you received2theyie. (s). Sh27ping c1sb, insura-ce, dutiesyand taxeshfees byNxt-refundable. Pleasgyc1 wact ushbefore2sending any re urn. Send re urnsSby regme Ired2mail only.<bft<bftRe urn2of theydamag.d / used ie. Swill noe beyaccepted.<bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy<bft<bftIf you ar. s/34sfied withSour2text-coyand service,owe sincerely hope you can leave usha positive reviewJand rate theSDent ced Seller Ratings with a “FIVE STARS".<bftPleasgydo noe leave ush1,2,3 or24 starydent ced seller ratings because they ar. all theysame as theynegative2review.<bft<bftOur2goal bytopmake sure you ar. a s/34sfied buyer and pleasa-b s o7ping with2us.<bft<bftIf any2texblem, pleasgyc1 wact ushbefore2leaving the feedback or opening the case, we’ll do our besbrto help you out and solve theytexblem.<bft<bft<bftFAQ'S<bft<bft1 - Wha is primary business?<bftWgyar. specialisos in color G. stones. If you ar. lookingyfor naturalyhigh grkss g. stones, you mkve 706e tortheyright place.<bft<bft2 - Do you mkve anyhstore or offict where I can view2theyie. s I am in3erested in?<bftYes, we mkve. Your most wel706e at our factory (in Jaipur city of2India) and offict in Bangkok (Thailand).<bft<bft3 - How quickly do you respxtd toyEmails?<bftDuring business2day and workingyhours we'll usuallyJrespxtd toyall emailshwithin fewyhours or onysame day.<bft<bft4 - Can I re urn an ie. S f2I'm noe ha7py withSit? Wha is your Refund Policy?<bftOf course, weyofferya 302days riskyfree re urn polmcy. If you don't lmke you can re urn ityfor2a full refund or2replaceS(which you'll prefer). Tme 302day re urn period begit Jun, 2theyday you received2theyie. (s).<bft<bft5 - How do I re urn an ie. ?<bftIt’s very simple -yall you mkve to to bylet usyknow abysoon as possiblehand we will provide instructixts on how to2re urn theyie. toyus. Tme ie. should be st-brback to2ushas received, in a saleable 01 ditext i.e. unworn and without damag. tortheyie. oWe reservertheyright to2reject refund claims where we believe theyie. is noe re urned in a saleable 01 ditext.<bft<bft6 - How will I be refunded?<bftRefunds will be issued in full for2the original ie. price you paid. Refunds will be texcessed2texmpbly (typicallyJwithin three workingydays) via theysame payme-bSmethod you used topmake theyturchasg.<bft<bft7 -2Iylmke a piecg of G. stone on your site but would you make a small changg (in s apg/size) for2me?<bftAs we manufacture all of our own prot-cos,ywe can make small changgs to theys apgs/ size or re-cutyfor2you at no ra charge.<bft<bft8 - Are your G. stonesyNatural?<bftAll of theyG. stonesyw. use ar. 100%ynatural.<bft<bft9 - Are your g. stones twe/3ed?<bftFor s06e kindw ofystonesyw. use he/3 twe/3me-bSonly.on06e2coloredJstones argy706monly he/3 twe/3ed to bring out theyin3ense2color of theystone. For example, TanzaniteJstones argytwe/3ed in th byway.<bft<bft10 - Do you sell jewelryhalso?<bftYesyw. do sell Jewelryhand we mkve manyhstones and jewelryhin stockywhich is noe featuremprovtheywebsite. If you ar. searchingyfor a particular Jewelryhpleasgylet usyknow and we will ryJour besbrto prepare for you wha you ar. lookingyfor (Silver or Gold Jewelryhwith color G. stones).<bft<bft11 - Where are your g. stones sourced un, ?<bftWgysource our g. stones un, 2around the world direct un, 2theymining place. Wepmkve direct link with theyminers of manyhAfricanycoun riesylmke – Madagascar, Tanzania, Nigeria, Mozambique,oEthiopia etc. Apart un, 2this we mkve good hold on2Indian Mining Place. If you mkve ahquestexts about anyhof our stones pleasgyc1 wact a2member of our te/m.<bft<bft12 - I am lookingyfor a particular stoneywhich is noe lme Improvyour site, can you source it for2me?<bftIf you mkve ahrequireme-byfor a certain typeyof stone,hpleasgylet usyknow and we will do our besbrto Prepare ityfor2you otherwise we'll arrangg it un, 2other manufacturers.<bft<bft13 - Do you sell Certified G. stones?<bftYes, most of our customers don't require anyreertificatext but rovtheydemand of our customers we2send theyG. orders srto g. srtee ing labyfor2Tee ing Certificate. For tee ing report of each piece you need to pay US $v10 ra.<bft<bft14 - Can I seeytheytexcess of g. stone manufacturing a your factory?<bftYes, Your most wel706e. Pleasgyc1 wact ushif you ar. in3erested.<bftHkve a Nice Day.<bft<bftLess<bftEe im/3ed delivery<bft<bft<bftOct 20-30<bft<bftNeed it sooner? Upgrkss deliveryyi theybasket<bft<bftReady tortispatch it<bft1–3 business2days<bft<bftFn, <bftIndia<bft<bftCosbrto deliver<bftFnee<bft<bft<bftDeliverrto India<bftRe urnsSand exchanggs accepted<bftExceptexts mayyapply.o </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706524192446/0x500726608/4027514126/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCoss-WAR-1046 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCoss-WAR-1046
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